Second Round of Training Held for Counting Personnel Ahead of Counting of Votes on 4th June 2024

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 22 May 2024

In preparation for the upcoming counting of votes casted in General Election-2024, the second round of training was conducted for Counting Supervisors, Micro Observers, Counting Assistants, and Counting Staff tasked with assisting the Returning Officer of the A & N Islands Parliamentary Constituency. The training session took place in the DBRAIT auditorium on May 21, 2024.

The main focus of the training was to equip personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills required for the accurate and efficient counting of votes. Mr. Som Naidu, a retired DANICS officer, served as the Resource Person for the session. In his address to the trainees, he emphasized the crucial roles and responsibilities they would undertake during the counting process.

Mr. Naidu outlined the sequence of events for the counting day, highlighting that the counting of ‘Postal Ballot Papers’ would precede the counting of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). The actual counting of EVMs is scheduled to take place at the JNRM Counting Centre on June 4, 2024, utilizing two dedicated Counting Halls. A total of 28 counting tables will be set up, with each hall accommodating 14 tables, each manned by a team consisting of a Counting Supervisor, Micro Observer, Counting Assistant, and Counting Staff.

The importance of thorough training was emphasised to ensure familiarity with the step-by-step counting procedures, thus minimising the risk of any issues arising on the Counting Day.

A team of Master Trainers, led by Mr. M. Papa Rao and assisted by Dr. A. Abraham, facilitated the training session. Special attention was given to instructing personnel on handling polled EVMs, particularly the Control Unit and Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines. A demonstration of the counting process and an informative presentation were provided, followed by hands-on training exercises.

It was announced that the next round of training for officials engaged in the counting process would be held at the same venue on May 24, 2024, further emphasising the commitment to thorough preparation for the electoral process.

With the Counting Date for General Election-2024 drawing near, such training sessions play a vital role in ensuring the smooth conduct of the electoral process and upholding the integrity of the democratic system.