TSG Bhasker Raises Concern Regarding Poor Conditions Aboard M.V. Swaraj Dweep

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 13 June 2024

Mr. TSG Bhasker, Chairman of the Congress Campaign Committee for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, has raised serious concerns about the condition and maintenance of the ship M.V. Swaraj Dweep. In a letter to the Chief Secretary on Thursday, Mr. Bhasker detailed the dire state of the vessel, emphasizing the critical role it plays in connecting the islands, especially during peak travel seasons.

“Shipping is the lifeline for the islanders, particularly during the peak season when the demand for travel between the island and mainland sectors is high,” Mr. Bhasker wrote. “However, traveling by ship has become a nightmare for our islanders due to the lack of basic facilities.”

Mr. Bhasker pointed out several alarming issues onboard M.V. Swaraj Dweep. He described the common toilets as being in a deplorable state, with broken doors and a severe lack of cleanliness. Additionally, he highlighted the non-functioning air conditioning, inadequate water facilities, broken roofs, and non-operational water taps, all contributing to the discomfort and inconvenience of the passengers.

“It is high time to prioritize the living conditions and hygiene on board, especially on ships like M.V. Swaraj Dweep, which serve the needs of the isolated communities of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands,” he stressed.

Mr. Bhasker urged the Chief Secretary to take immediate action by issuing necessary orders for a thorough assessment and subsequent repair works on M.V. Swaraj Dweep. His appeal aims to ensure that future passengers do not face similar inconveniences and that the vessel can adequately serve the islanders’ transportation needs.