Great Nicobar Residents Back Land Acquisition for Green Field International Airport; Settlers Present Reasonable Demands 

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 30 June 2024

Government of India has unveiled ambitious plans to transform Great Nicobar Island with a series of mega projects. Recently, the island’s strategic importance has garnered significant media attention, highlighting the potential benefits these developments could bring not only to Great Nicobar but also to the entire Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the nation.

While it has faced criticism, proponents argue that it will usher in prosperity and development. The comprehensive development plan includes a Transshipment Port, a Green Field International Airport, a Power Plant to support infrastructure, a Township to accommodate the population influx, and various allied infrastructures. However, these projects require significant land procurement.

The land needed for the Green Field International Airport is proposed to be acquired from Ex-Servicemen Settlers in the revenue villages of Shastri Nagar and Gandhi Nagar. On June 28, 2024, two Public Hearings were held in these villages as part of the Social Impact Assessment Report preparation, mandated by the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Act, 2013.

Officials from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Integrated Development Corporation Limited, the Directorate of Social Welfare of Andaman and Nicobar Administration, the Delhi-based firm M/s Probe Social Development & Research Pvt. Ltd., and the local administration were present at the meetings. 

During the hearings, Ex-Servicemen Settler Family Members and other residents expressed their support for the land procurement. However, they placed several demands before the government, insisting these be met:

1. Substantial compensation for the procured land.

2. Provision of alternative land in Great Nicobar for all affected ex-servicemen settlers.

3. Fair compensation for each coconut tree, highlighting its economic importance.

4. House sites for every family in Gandhi Nagar and Shastri Nagar, along with financial support for construction.

5. OBC status for ex-servicemen settlers of Great Nicobar, as granted to their counterparts from other islands.

6. Employment for one member of every ex-servicemen family in the affected villages.

The Ex-Servicemen Settler Family Members and other residents also demanded that the land taken away post tsunami, unfairly, in lieu of compensation must be returned to the individuals and be considered while calculating the compensation for the land acquisition for Green Field International Airport. 

Amid nationwide objections to the mega projects, many from outside the region, including self-proclaimed environmentalists, have launched campaigns against the development. Critics argue these objections often stem from individuals unfamiliar with Great Nicobar’s geography and local context. 

The recent meetings underscored the local ex-servicemen settlers’ overwhelming support for the project. They view the developments as a pathway to progress, dismissing the opposition from external voices as irrelevant to their reality on the ground.

8 Replies to “Great Nicobar Residents Back Land Acquisition for Green Field International Airport; Settlers Present Reasonable Demands ”

  1. Omg it seems the people are getting influenced and they don’t understand the impact due to deforestation.. Due to such deforestation and development already Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand destroyed and facing huge climate change impacts

  2. This is my personal suggestion. From past we all have learnt that greed only leads to loss. These projects will be given to some rich men who will surely exploit residents and there land resources a good example is havelock, residents will only work as labourers or salaried employees.
    Community based tourism can benefit locals in large in long run if they are really intrested and keep there demand well.

  3. Great news. The so call self declared environmentalist shoud realise the ground reality from the local people. It proves that many times these so called environmentalist raise unjustified claim ignoring the greater national interest.

  4. Very good analysis. It is a correct report. Self proclaimed experts and environmentalists sitting in comfortable ACRooms and living lavish lives without understanding the strategic importance of the development have delayed the development.
    As I was involved in the project, the truth is on record.

  5. If their demands are being fulfilled, then obviously they’ll see this as development rather as a serious environmental hazard!

  6. Hopefully People are thinking about endemic species and shompens as well.. before anything else.. as a 3rd generation ex-servicemen settler from Great Nicobar , i would like to know what is the compensation for the lives of three generations given to protect this place and call it home.. against all the odds.

  7. Regarding strategic location of Great Nicobar which is true for our country but, from the defense point of view we are well organised and we can fight any country whoever tries to interfere. The development of a port for defence is an eyewash. The port is for some rich people’s commercial purpose. Millions of trees will be cut. The Shompen tribe will be displaced. The land belongs to them. They have no MP or MLA to represent them. We are being unfair and we are creating a mass disaster for the entire country. In my opinion we will not have monsoons if we cut so many millions of trees. These trees are hundreds of years old. The different species of plants, trees, insects, reptiles will all be eradicated. I hope we discontinue this plan.

  8. A very good news indeed as the settlers support the project . Hope this government will proceed fast to prepare the dpr, Hopefully finance will not stand in the way.

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