Department of AH&VS Promotes Pig Rearing in North and Middle Andaman

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 20 August 2024

The Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services is intensifying efforts to popularise pig rearing in North and Middle Andaman, with a particular focus on improving local livestock farming. To support this initiative, the department maintains a government piggery farm at Webi in Mayabunder, where two breeds of pigs—Large White Yorkshire and Ghungroo—are being reared.

The Large White Yorkshire breed is especially valued for its large litter size and the production of low-fat meat, making it a preferred choice among farmers. These pigs are easily recognisable by their white colour, longer legs, erect ears, and slightly dished face.

On the other hand, Ghungroo pigs, an indigenous breed, are well known for their high prolificacy and adaptability to low-input systems. These black-coloured pigs are particularly suited for any climate, making them an ideal choice for the diverse weather conditions of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

In the last financial year, 2023-24, the department distributed 165 piglets to 106 farmers across North and Middle Andaman on a cost basis, reflecting a growing interest in pig rearing among local farmers. In the current financial year, 2024-25, 51 piglets have already been distributed to 29 beneficiaries, showing continued enthusiasm for the program.

To further support these efforts, the department is providing regular short-term scientific training on feed management to both beneficiaries and interested farmers. Those looking to participate in the training or acquire piglets are encouraged to contact their nearest Veterinary Hospital. The piglets and training opportunities are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

This initiative aims to enhance the livelihood of farmers in the region by promoting sustainable pig farming practices, contributing to the overall development of the livestock sector in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.