TSG Bhasker Writes to PM Opposing Renaming of Port Blair to Sri Vijaya Puram

Tarun Karthick

Sri Vijaya Puram, 19 September 2024

The Chairman of the Congress Campaign Committee in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Mr. TSG Bhasker, has voiced strong opposition to the Central Government’s decision to rename Port Blair as Sri Vijaya Puram. In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister on Wednesday, Mr. Bhasker expressed concerns about the emotional and cultural impact this name change could have on the Islanders.

Mr. Bhasker emphasized that the name Port Blair has deep-rooted significance among the residents, symbolizing a shared identity that spans generations. He argued that for many Islanders, the name represents more than just a location—it’s a part of their history. Changing it, he said, could undermine this connection.

He also noted that Port Blair was named after Captain Archibald Blair, a British naval surveyor who arrived in the islands in 1788 to explore and survey the region. According to Mr. Bhasker, Blair had no role in colonial rule, but his efforts led to the establishment of a penal settlement, which eventually shaped the modern-day population of the Islands.

“The name Port Blair has been a part of the lives of Islanders for centuries, appearing in vital documents like land records, property deeds, school certificates, Aadhaar cards, and voter IDs,” Mr. Bhasker stated. “Changing the name suddenly will cause significant disruptions, forcing thousands of people to update essential documents across various offices.”

Mr. Bhasker also pointed to the broader discontent among the Island’s residents, stating that there is growing frustration with what he sees as the Central Government’s misplaced priorities. “Rather than focusing on renaming cities, the government should address urgent developmental issues like improving roads, education, healthcare, and public services,” he said. “This renaming seems to distract from the real issues that demand immediate attention.”

Furthermore, Mr. Bhasker criticized the Andaman & Nicobar Administration, led by the Lt. Governor, for proposing the name change without public consultation. He alleged that some elected representatives were pressured into supporting the proposal without being fully informed. “Now, even these representatives are opposing the decision,” he added.

The Congress leader also raised concerns about the potential negative impact on the region’s tourism sector. “Port Blair has always been an attractive name for tourists eager to explore our Islands. The new name, Sri Vijaya Puram, does not carry the same allure and could deter future visitors, affecting tourism significantly,” Mr. Bhasker warned.

In conclusion, Mr. Bhasker urged the Prime Minister to reconsider the renaming decision and called for a more transparent, inclusive process that takes into account the views of the Island’s residents before implementing such a significant change.

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