A & N Police Manages to Reduce Movement of General Public

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 03. May 2021

2nd May 2021 was the first day when the new restriction orders issued by District Magistrates of all three districts of Andaman and Nicobar Islands came into force. The order restricted all non-essential services to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the Islands.

Essential shops are allowed to operate from 6 Am to 1 Pm everyday in all three districts and people have been asked to procure essential supplies from the nearest markets.

Post 1 Pm all the shops and establishments have been ordered to shut. The idea behind closing even essential shops and establishments post 1 Pm is to reduce unnecessary movement of the citizens and in-turn stop the spread of the virus.

Police has been entrusted with the responsibility of placing barricades and manning checkpoints at all major crossings and intersections throughout the Islands and to make people aware of the rising number of COVID-19 cases, to ask them not to venture out of their homes unnecessarily.

It was seen that Andaman and Nicobar Police did an excellent job today and post 1 Pm the roads of Port Blair city and all other Islands were almost completely empty. 

Nicobar Times spotted Insp. Rahul, SHO, PS Aberdeen at Chakkargaon urging people not to venture out unnecessarily during patrolling.

Andaman and Nicobar Police on the first day of the restrictions have managed to keep people indoors and only very few vehicles were seen on the roads.

Andaman and Nicobar Police should be hailed for their contribution in ensuring that the chain of transmission breaks and the Islanders are saved from the deadly pandemic. 

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