Hundreds Still Intending to Travel to Southern Group

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 10 May 2021

Hundreds of residents from Hut Bay, Car Nicobar, Nancowry Group and Campbell Bay who are currently at South Andaman, are still intending to travel back to their homes in respective Islands. Andaman and Nicobar Islands have seen surge in COVID-19 cases recently and everyday several COVID-19 positive patients are detected.

Recently, A & N Administration announced that the number of Inter-Island passengers found positive is way more than the passengers arriving from mainland. This statistic released by the Administration has scared the residents of the remote southern group of Islands. Several residents are demanding suspension of the passenger shipping services to these remote Islands.

Nicobar District is COVID-19 free until now and if shipping services are stoped the Islands of the district will remain COVID free.

Nicobar Times witnessed several residents of Southern Group of Islands visiting BJP office today and requesting the leaders for a ship to travel back to their home Islands. The details of the intending passengers were noted down by the BJP leaders and they were assured that the issue will be taken up with the authorities.

The residents of the remote Southern Group who are stuck in Port Blair are also facing several issues and they are adamant on travelling back to their homes.

Considering the recent surge in the COVID-19 cases in South Andaman District, it is better that shipping services to the Southern Group should be suspended for at-least some days until the situation normalises.

A & N Administration should also provide relief to these stranded residents of Southern Group at South Andaman, so that they can live comfortably until arrangements are made for them to travel back to their homes.