ICGS Rajshree Conducts Interaction Programme with Fishermen Community at Dignabad

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 30 September 2021

Indian Coast Guard Ship Rajshree today conducted an interaction programme with the Fishermen Community of Dignabad, Port Blair. The representatives from the Department of Fisheries and Marine Police were also present during the interaction programme.

The local fishermen of the Dignabad area participated in the interaction programme. The officers of ICGS Rajshree explained to the fishermen the importance of carrying equipment for their safety when at the sea.

The officers explained to the fishermen that it is important for them to stay near the coast while fishing and asked them to venture out for fishing in a group. 

They further displayed various equipment to the fishermen which is important to carry for their safety when at sea. The fishermen asked several questions to the officers present during the interaction and all queries of the fishermen were answered.

The fishermen were informed about the Toll-Free Number 1554 on which they can call when they are in any kind of distress at the sea. Further, they were asked to carry Distress Alert Transmitter with them at all times when at sea. 

The interaction saw participation from a good number of fishermen from the Dignabad area. The members of the fishermen community appreciated the efforts of the Indian Coast Guard in educating them about the safety measures.