Ajoy Bairagi Expresses Gratitude on India Achieving 1 Billion Vaccination Mark

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 22 October 2021

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi, State President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Andaman and Nicobar Islands has expressed gratitude to the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, the entire Union Government, Health Care Workers, Front Line Warriors, NGOs and the people of India on the occasion of the country achieving the 100 Crores (1 Billion) COVID-19 Vaccination milestone.

On 21st October 2021 history was made when India achieved the mark of administering 100 Crore vaccines (1 Billion) to its citizens. 

Along with the entire country, the vaccination drive is also proceeding smoothly in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Andaman and Nicobar Islands has achieved 100% first dose vaccination of its adult population and more than 60% of the eligible population have also received their second dose of COVID-19 vaccination. Mr. Ajoy Bairagi has congratulated Andaman and Nicobar Administration for their exemplary management of the COVID-19 vaccination drive. 

Mr. Bairagi added that India is moving towards the path of progress and prosperity under the leadership of the Hon’ble Prime Minister and this feat of achieving the 1 Billion vaccination mark is a testimony of the efficient COVID-19 management by the Central Govt.

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi also requested the Islanders not be complacent and follow COVID appropriate behaviour in their day to day lives. He also requested the residents to be cautious during the upcoming festive season.