Petrol Goes Out of Stock for General Public at Nancowry and Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 07 April 2022

The residents of Nancowry and Campbell Bay are facing a lot of problems because of the non-availability of petrol in both the Islands. Petrol Pump at both the Islands has run out of petrol recently. 

Earlier the petrol supply to the general public was being rationed at both the Islands and the residents were being issued only a limited quantity of petrol per vehicle.

The general public as well as the Govt. Servants are facing a lot of problems in their daily commute. The public transport in both Nancowry and Campbell Bay is not up to mark and many residents are dependent on their personal vehicles for their daily commute.

Is it not uncommon for the fuel pumps on remote Islands to go dry. Every few months people face scarcity of fuel on most remote Islands.

Sources have informed that M.V Chuglum has sailed from Port Blair with petrol for both Nancowry and Campbell Bay.

Many businesses have also been affected due to the non-availability of petrol. Auto-Rickshaw drivers are the worst sufferers as they are unable to earn their daily bread.

It is expected that residents of both the Islands will have to bear problems because of the non-availability of petrol for at least five more days.

Many residents of Campbell Bay expressed their displeasure towards the administration for not maintaining adequate quantity of petrol. Some residents of Great Nicobar are also planning a protest against the Administration if the petrol does not reach Great Nicobar Island soon.