Fishermen Deprived of Subsidy for Life Saving Equipment, Safety Equipment; S U Maheswar Rao Takes up the Issue with CS

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 18 April 2022

The Fishermen of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been deprived of their rightful subsidy for the purchase of Life Saving Equipment and Safety Equipment (GPS, Fish Finders and DAT) for the last two years. 

Mr. S U Maheswar Rao, Governing Body Member, National Fisheries Development Board has written a letter to the Chief Secretary explaining the plight of the fishermen.

In his letter, Mr. S U Maheswar Rao informed the Chief Secretary that two years back the fishermen of the Islands submitted their claims along with original bills for the release of subsidy for Life Saving Equipment and Safety Equipment to Andaman and Nicobar Fisheries Coop. Federation Ltd. (ANIFCOFED), but no subsidy has been released yet. 

He also mentioned in his letter that, the Department of Fisheries had made it mandatory for every fishing vessel /boat to have Life Saving Equipment. The department offered the necessary subsidy for the purchase of the equipment.

He further added that many fishermen took loans from private individuals to purchase the Life Saving Equipment and Safety Equipment in anticipation that the subsidy will be released which did not happen.

Fishermen Associations/Committee and Societies have time and again requested the Director of Fisheries for the release of the subsidy amount, but it did not bear any fruitful result.

Mr. S U Maheswar Rao requested the Chief Secretary to release the due subsidy amount of the fishermen at the earliest as per the bills/claims submitted.