Smart Islander Cards to be Issued to Residents of Nicobar District from 9th Jan 2023

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 07 January 2023

District Administration of Nicobar District will be issuing Islander Identity Cards to the general public of Nicobar District through Special Camps which will be organised from 9th January 2023, during office hours. The general public has been asked to contact the Local Revenue Office to avail the facility.

All the village Captains and PRIs members have been requested to extend cooperation and ensure wide publicity amongst their people regarding the Special Camp. The facility will be continued even beyond the scheduled dates for the benefit of the general public. For any queries/assistance, the general public has been asked to contact on phone numbers: 03193-265241 & 03193-265999. 

Islander Identity Card will be issued to those whose name features in the list published in the year 2002 and their Spouse and Children whose names were later enrolled in the year 2016, during the enrolment drive for the unenrolled spouse and children of the bonafide Islanders. 

No new names will be included during this special camp in the Islander Card Database.