National Secretary of Rashtriya Rajya Karmachari Mahasangh Visits Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 19 March 2023

The National General Secretary of Rashtriya Rajya Karmachari Mahasangh (RRKMS), Mr. Vishnu Prasad Verma arrived at Port Blair on 17th March 2023, to review the settlement of the demands of the working class raised during the recently held protests. 

The General Secretary, RRKMS visited Cellular Jail and paid homage to the freedom fighters. On 19th  of March 2023, a programme was organised at Saraswati Shishu Mandir to introduce the National General Secretary. During the Programme Mr. Vijay Kumar, Vice President, Andaman Nicobar Rajya Karmachari Mahasangh (ANRKM) welcomed the gathering. All affiliated associations presented their respective reports. After submission of the reports, Mr. S. Biju Pillai, General Secretary of ANRKM spoke on the burning issues of Govt. Sector. Employees. Mr. Vishnu Prasad Verma in his address appealed to all present in the function to strengthen the organisation and to always stay united.

Mr. Vishnu Prasad Verma also declared that the National Executive Meeting of Rashtriya Rajya Karmachari Mahasangh, BMS will be conducted in Port Blair in the month of November 2023. 

Mr. Jaydeep Kumar Dey, President, ANRKM expressed gratitude to the National Secretary for visiting the islands. He also appealed to the working class to gather the required information for onward submission at National Level. 

Mr. Vijay Nair presented the Vote of Thanks.