MP Requests Prime Minister to Declare Car Nicobar Airport as Alternate Airport to Port Blair Airport to Reduce Airfare

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 10 April 2023

Mr. Kuldeep Rai Sharma, Member of Parliament, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, has requested the Prime Minister to declare the Defence Airfield at Car Nicobar as Alternate Airport for Port Blair Airport. 

Alternate airports are airports marked along an aircraft’s flight plan that can safely accommodate the landing of the aircraft should the aircraft experience an emergency or if the landing at the intended airport becomes inadvisable.

According to the Member of Parliament, the Alternate Airport to Port Blair is currently located in foreign countries. The location of the Alternate Airport to Port Blair in a Foreign Country greatly increases the cost of airfare.

MP explained that Car Nicobar Airport is much closer to Port Blair and has the necessary infrastructure to support commercial flights. He added that declaring Car Nicobar Airport as the alternate Airport to Port Blair would significantly reduce the cost of the airfare and make it more affordable for tourists and locals to travel between mainland cities and Port Blair.