500 Litres of Illicit Liquor (Lehan) Recovered and Destroyed at Nimbudera

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 14 April 2023

District Police of North & Middle Andaman have been conducting intensive jungle searches and combing operations to crackdown on illicit liquor manufacturing. Adding to the spree of crackdown on illicit liquor manufacturing in the district, on 12th April 2023, Police & Forest officials jointly conducted combing in the Nimbudera area under the jurisdiction of PS Billiground. 

The team recovered 03 Nos. Drum containing 500 Litres of fermented illicit liquor (lehan) and other bhatti materials within the jungle and destroyed the same at the spot. 

Residents have highly appreciated the proactive efforts of the police. 

In the fight against illicit liquor, bootleggers & drug abuse, the general public has been requested to share information about any crime /illegal activities with police over phone No.100, 112 & 03192-273344. Police informed that the identity of the informers would be kept secret and they would also be suitably rewarded.