Chinese Manjha Ban: Entities Manufacturing Synthetic Fibre (Rayon, Tyre Cord & Polyester Filament Yarn) Asked to File Self-Declaration with ANPCC

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 30 September 2023

In a significant move to protect the environment and reduce hazards associated with kite flying, the Principal Bench of the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal (NGT), New Delhi, had issued a landmark order dated 11th July 2017. The ruling, as outlined in O.A. No. 384/2016 and 442/2016 concerning Khalid Ashraf & Anr-Vs-U.O.I & Ors and People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India – Vs – UOJ & Ors, mandates the prohibition of the use of nylon thread, Chinese Dor, and synthetic thread coated with harmful materials for kite flying.

The directive, in accordance with the instructions from the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MOEF&CC) and the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), enforces a comprehensive ban on the manufacturing, sale, storage, purchase, and use of Chinese Manjha or any synthetic thread used for kite flying. This ban specifically targets threads made of nylon or any other synthetic material and those coated with synthetic substances, rendering them non-biodegradable.

To ensure compliance, units engaged in manufacturing “Synthetic fibre including rayon, tyre cord, polyester filament yarn” must submit an Annual Self-declaration statement to ANPCC confirming that they supply their products exclusively to authorized users, without involvement in the production of Chinese Manjha, nylon, synthetic material, or glass-coated threads for kite-flying.

The NGT’s decision comes as a vital step in reducing environmental pollution and safeguarding public safety during kite-flying festivals. It also emphasizes the importance of promoting eco-friendly alternatives for enthusiasts who partake in the traditional sport.

Authorities and the general public alike are strongly urged to adhere to these directives. Non-compliance with the prohibition may lead to reporting to the Member Secretary of ANPCC, who will take necessary actions as deemed fit.