SAANS Campaign 2023-24 Aims to Combat Childhood Pneumonia; Residents Urged to Cooperate with Health Care Staff for Early Identification of Childhood Pneumonia

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 11 November 2023

Childhood pneumonia remains a grave concern in India, persisting as the leading infectious killer among children under five, responsible for a staggering 17.50 percent of under-five deaths. In a bid to address this critical issue, the SAANS (Social Awareness & Action to Neutralize Pneumonia Successfully) campaign is set to launch, spanning from November 12, 2023, to February 29, 2024.

Under the banner of “Pneumonia nahi, toh bachpan sahi”, the SAANS campaign aims to strengthen the health system and raise community awareness regarding childhood pneumonia. This initiative is prompted by the alarming contribution of pneumonia to under-five mortality rates in the country.

Commencing on World Pneumonia Day, November 12, 2023, the campaign strives to intensify efforts against childhood pneumonia by fostering awareness on protection, prevention, and treatment. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing early identification and promoting prompt care-seeking behaviours among parents and caregivers. Additionally, the campaign will advocate for the adoption of the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) and generate awareness about the adverse effects of indoor and outdoor pollution on childhood respiratory health.

The overarching goal of the SAANS campaign is to bolster health systems and community awareness, with the aim of reducing childhood pneumonia-related mortality in India to less than 3 per thousand live births by the year 2025.

The general public is urged to cooperate with Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) and ASHAs during community engagements. Their cooperation is essential for the early identification of childhood pneumonia cases and the timely management of pneumonia in children under the age of five.

The SAANS campaign represents a collective effort to safeguard the well-being of India’s youngest population and ensure a pneumonia-free childhood for all. As the nation grapples with this significant health challenge, the campaign serves as a beacon of hope, striving to make substantial strides in combatting childhood pneumonia and ultimately improving child health outcomes across the country.