Port Blair Doctor Falls Victim to Elaborate Online Scam, Lost Rs. 20,73,170

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 28 November 2023

A distressing case of online fraud has surfaced in Port Blair, leaving a doctor devastated after losing a staggering sum of Rs. 20,73,170/-. The doctor filed a written complaint with the Station House Officer, PS Central Crime Station, Port Blair, detailing the sequence of events that led to the financial catastrophe and severe mental anguish.

The ordeal commenced innocently enough with a follow request accepted on Instagram from a purported Scottish dentist named Dr. Logan Campbell, supposedly stationed in London, UK. What initially appeared as harmless interaction and friendship swiftly evolved into a web of deceit.

The doctor in her complaint shared, “He identified himself as a dental surgeon, and soon, conversations on our professions, cultures, and personal likes ensued, fostering a sense of closeness.” However, the situation took a sinister turn when Dr. Campbell mentioned his upcoming birthday on November 10, 2023, expressing a desire to send her a gift from the UK in line with Scottish tradition.

“On November 2,” the doctor revealed, “Dr. Campbell forwarded images and videos of purportedly purchased gifts alongside £35,000 in hard currency, claiming it was dispatched via Express Courier Limited (ECL).” Shortly after, the ordeal began.

The saga unfolded with a barrage of calls purportedly from Indian customs and a WhatsApp number supposedly belonging to Mr. Josh Bendrick, an agent of ECL in the UK. Initially, they requested Rs. 50,000 for customs clearance, leading to a convoluted saga of demands encompassing tax clearance, currency exchange fees, insurance charges, and more.

Over the following days, the doctor complied, transferring varying amounts, totalling Rs. 20,73,170/-, into multiple accounts provided by the alleged agents. The demands ranged from custom clearance charges to anti-money laundering certificates and finally culminating in an alarming request for Rs. 7,97,917/- for the release of a promised amount of 95,000 pounds.

“In a state of desperation, I paid from my savings, borrowed from friends and family,” the Doctor lamented in her complaint, describing the devastating impact on her financial stability and mental well-being.

Despite her compliance, suspicions mounted, prompting her to refuse further payments without concrete evidence or confirmation from RBI regarding document authenticity. Even as the realisation of the scam dawned, efforts by purported RBI employees to coerce further payments persisted.

Concluding her plea, the Doctor implored authorities to investigate the fraud meticulously, seeking justice and the recovery of her lost funds.