India on Moon, Swaraj Dweep Still Facing Severe Power Shortage: State General Secretary (Organisation) of BJP to Chief Secretary

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 03 December 2023

Mr. Vivek Dadhakar, State General Secretary (Organisation) of Bharatiya Janata Party, Andaman and Nicobar Islands has penned a letter to the Chief Secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Administration expressing his anguish over the Administrationā€™s inability to provide adequate power to the businesses and residents of Swaraj Dweep (earlier known as Havelock Island).

Swaraj Dweep in the midst of the peak tourist season is undergoing severe power shortages. Businesses especially resorts, hotels, restaurants are the worst affected as they are unable to provide their guests with uninterrupted power supply. 

The Hoteliers Association of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (HAANI) had penned a letter to Mr. Vivek Dadhakar and had requested him to take up the issue with the Chief Secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Administration for immediate action on short term and implementation of long term measures. 

In their letter, the Hoteliers Association of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has specifically mentioned that the energy demand during the peak tourist season is 6-7 MW, whereas the current generation is just 3 – 3.2 MW (less than 50% of the demand). They have further expressed their inability to manage the 6-10 hours continuous daily power cuts with their own Diesel Generator Sets. HAANI has further mentioned that the power cuts are leading to customer complaints, booking cancellation and high operation costs.

Mr. Vivek Dadhakar referencing the letter received from HAANi has mentioned to the Chief Secretary that the situation instead of improving is deteriorating everyday. He also mentioned that Indian Scientists have successfully completed the moon mission, but Swaraj Dweep Island is still facing power cuts.

He requested the Chief Secretary to take necessary action soon, before peopleā€™s patience reach its tipping point.Ā