Police Ensures Strict Compliance of Restriction Orders in Great Nicobar

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 5 May 2021

The local police at Great Nicobar is ensuring strict compliance of the restriction orders issued by the District Magistrate, Nicobar District.

Strict enforcement of the orders have reduced the movement of general public in Campbell Bay to a great extent and almost no vehicles are seen on the road post 1 pm.

Essential Services and shops are also following all COVID-19 protocols and the shopkeepers themselves are instructing the general public to maintain proper queue with adequate distancing.

M.V Kalighat has arrived today at Campbell Bay and the passengers have been home quarantined as per the orders. 

In remote regions like Great Nicobar where there is very limited medical infrastructure, it is important to take precautions. The number of COVID-19 cases are rapidly increasing in South Andaman District and the incoming passengers to Great Nicobar pose a risk as they can spread the infection locally, therefore It is very important that the restrictions are enforced strictly. 

Police in Great Nicobar is doing a great job and should be hailed for their services.

The general public of Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar is also abiding by all the orders issued by the DM. Nicobar District currently has zero COVID -19 cases and it is very important to contain the virus incase it enters the district undetected.