7 Days Mandatory Quarantine for Contacts of ILI/SARI Cases at Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 4 June 2021

Several residents of Campbell Bay were quarantined yesterday by the local administration. The quarantine of the residents created a lot of confusion among the locals. Nicobar Times met the Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar who informed us that the contacts of ILI/SARI cases will be quarantined for 7 days as a precautionary measure.  

It is learnt that several residents of Campbell Bay met a ILI/SARI patient and his attender at PHC Campbell Bay recently. When the incident was reported to the local administration, they immediately sung into action and drew up a list of those who had contact with the patient and the attender at the hospital and quarantined them as a precautionary measure. 

Quarantine of the contacts of the ILI/SARI case started a rumour in the Island about a positive case being detected. Many political leaders from Campbell Bay, informed Nicobar Times that they recieved several calls since yesterday asking about the detection of a COVID-19 positive case at Campbell Bay. The political leaders gave correct information to the public and the rumour was diffused.

Campbell Bay along with the rest of the Nicobar District has not reported any case of COVID-19 in the second wave.