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Ajoy Bairagi Conveys his Concerns on COVID Testing in Islands to Chief Secretary

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 22 May 2021

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi, State President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Andaman and Nicobar Islands has written a letter to the Chief Secretary of Andaman and Nicobar Islands requesting him to look into certain issues pertaining to the general public.

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi in his letter has mentioned that he appreciates the steps taken by the Administration in curbing the pandemic in the Islands. He further mentioned that many people were asked to home quarantine due to different reasons but they have not been tested for COVID-19 yet. He added that the pandemic has taken many turns and new strains are being discovered and people are panicking. He requested the competent authority to conduct testing of persons under home quarantine. He said testing will surely help in exact tracing of positive cases for further tackling.

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi through his letter has also informed the dignitaries that the persons in home quarantine are deprived of basic services and they are finding it very difficult to arrange even food for themselves. He added that most of them have also exhausted their savings. He suggested that it would be very helpful for them, if on humanitarian grounds Administration provides ration items to them.

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi in his letter also raised the issue of COVID-19 testing not available on demand. He mentioned that COVID-19 testing on demand is not being done by the competent authority  for unknown reasons. He further mentioned that for getting tested a person needs to take permission from DC, who is not available at all times due to the workload. 

He added that Govt. of India in their statements have made it clear that maximum tests have to be  done at every level, but in the Islands procedural hurdles is restricting the campaign. He further mentioned that without testing the whole idea of tracing and curbing the pandemic is not possible.

He requested the authorities for appointing a competent authority dedicated only for testing approval and to conduct tests in large numbers for those who are symptomatic.

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