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COVID-19 Vaccination Drive Conducted at Remote Areas of Great Nicobar & Little Nicobar

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 19 April 2021

Team of Health Department led by Dr. Ambedkar conducted COVID-19 Vaccination Drives in the remotest areas of Great Nicobar and Little Nicobar Island on 18th of April 2021. The team visited Afra Bay, Pillalow, Makachua and Pilomilo to Vaccinate Citizens 45 years of age and above.

In Afra Bay total 20 doses of COVID-19 Vaccination were administered. Out of the 20 doses 07 Citizens 60 years of age and above, 9 Citizens 45 years to 59 years old were inoculated with 1st dose of COVID-19 Vaccine. While 3 Front Line Workers and 01 Health Care Worker were also administered their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine.

In Pillalow total 05 doses of COVID-19 Vaccine were administered. Out of the 5 doses, 01 Citizen 60 years of age and above, 04 Citizens 45 years to 59 years of age received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. 

In Makachua total 10 doses of COVID-19 Vaccine were administered. Out of the 10 doses, 01 Citizen 60 years of age and above, 06 Citizens 45 years to 59 years old were inoculated with 1st dose of COVID-19 Vaccine. While 2 Front Line Workers and 01 Health Care Worker were also administered their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine.

In Pilomilo total 01 dose of COVID-19 Vaccine was administered to a Citizen 60 years of age and above.

Total of 36 doses of COVID-19 Vaccine was administered in the Vaccination Drives conducted in the remotest areas of Great Nicobar and Little Nicobar.

It is important to mention here that these areas where Vaccination Drives were conducted are one of the most remotest areas of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. These areas are not accessible by road network and can only be reached with the help of Speed Boats and Dinghys.

The team led by Dr. Ambedkar should be appreciated for their efforts to vaccinate the Citizens living in the most remotest areas by visiting them at their doorsteps.

The team consisted of Dr. Ambedkar, Medical Officer; Armugam, CHO; Milan, CHO; Arul Raj, Voluntary Staff; Roseline, ANM, Afra Bay; Sanjoy Bala, CHO, Pillalow and Jaspal Singh, MHW, Makachua. 

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