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COVID-19 Vaccination Opens for 18+ from 1st of May 2021

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 20 April 2021

Citizens aged 18 years and above will be able to get their doses of COVID-19 vaccination from 1st of May 2021. The decision was announced on Monday evening following a meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Pharma Companies, Doctors, Cabinet Ministers incharge of health, drugs and Officials from multiple nodal Ministries. 

The Phase 3 of the National Vaccination Strategy will allow for the Vaccine Manufactures to sell 50% of of their supply to State Governments, Private Hospitals, Industrial Establishments etc. and the rest 50% will be supplied mandatorily to the Central Govt.

Vaccine Manufactures will have to declare the price of their Vaccine Doses in advance. The Private Hospitals in the country will have to procure their supply of vaccines from the 50% dose available in the open market.

The Vaccination for eligible beneficiaries 45 years of age and above, Health Care Workers, Front Line Workers will continue in Govt. Vaccination Centres across the country, free of cost.

Govt. of India, from its share, will allocate vaccines to States/UTs based on the criteria of extent of infection (number of active COVID cases) & performance (speed of administration). Wastage of vaccine will also be considered in this criteria and will affect the criteria negatively. Based on the above criteria, State-wise quota would be decided and communicated to the States adequately in advance.

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