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Huge Crowd at Junglighat Fish Landing Jetty Early Morning During Lockdown

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 08 June 2021

Extremely concerning footage from Junglighat Fish Landing Jetty (Fisheries Jetty) was sent to Nicobar Times by a concerned citizen, Mr. Sekhar Rao. The footage shows huge crowd in Junglighat Fish Landing Centre early morning on 7th of June 2021.

The footage shows hundreds of people gathered at the jetty for fish trading. Many people in the crowd were not even wearing masks informed Mr. Sekhar. There was no social distancing and all COVID protocols were being flouted openly.

South Andaman is under lockdown and people are being advised to stay home. This kind of crowd gathering during COVID-19 pandemic has potential to become a super spreader event.

These people after trading fish early morning then proceed to sell it in different places. These people then meet several other residents and can easily pass on the infection incase they are infected.

The footage is very concerning and the District Administration, South Andaman and Andaman & Nicobar Police should act on it and ensure that COVID appropriate behaviour is followed by all. They should further ensure that action is taken against people involved in these illegal gatherings during a lockdown.

If this kind of crowd is allowed to gather then the COVID-19 situation will never improve in the district and other residents will suffer because of prolonged lockdown.

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