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154 INF BN (TA) BIHAR Conducts 3rd Medical Camp at Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 17 July 2022

154 INF BN (TA) BIHAR on 16th of June 2022 conducted third medical camp at Campbell Bay. Arogyam Abhiyan III was conducted at Recreation Hall, Kamal Basthi, Campbell Bay. More than 110 patients visited the camp and consulted with doctors regarding their health issues.

Three doctors one each from Army, Coast Guard and Local PHC were available throughout the camp. Medicines were also given free of cost to the patients during the camp.

Additional facilities for Eye Checkup, TB Screening, Blood Grouping etc. were also made available this time for the visiting patients.

Capt. (Dr.) Suman Kumar while speaking to Nicobar Times informed that the Army is planning a major blood donation camp at Campbell Bay. He added that the blood collected will have to be transported to the Blood Bank of G.B Panth Hospital, Port Blair due to the non-availability of blood bank at Campbell Bay. He also informed that the blood donation camp being planned will require precise coordination between the Directorate of Health Services, ARMY and other defence forces as the blood will have to be airlifted and taken to Port Blair timely.

The doctor and staff of PHC Campbell Bay also organised an awareness programme on the use of contraceptives during the health camp.

General Public appreciated the ARMY unit for organising the health camp. PRIs opined that such health camps allows the local population to get a second opinion from doctors of the defence forces, as normally they only have the option of consulting the doctors from local PHC. 

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