Tarun Karthick
Campbell Bay, 07 April 2022
154 INF BN TA Bihar organised a Medical Camp at Campbell Bay on the occasion of World Health Day i.e 7th of April 2022. The camp was organised at Community Hall, Rajiv Nagar, Campbell Bay.
Around 300 individuals from all age groups benefitted from the Medical Camp titled ‘Arogyam Abhiyan’. Heath Checkups were conducted for lifestyle diseases, dermatic cases, ENT, paediatric cases etc.
Prescribed medicines were also handed over to the beneficiaries at the camp itself and several patients were also referred to PHC Campbell Bay to obtain medicines not available at the camp readily.
The camp was well organised and had all basic facilities like a seating area, registration area, OPD, dispensary, vaccination administration area, dressing area etc. The Medical Camp had doctors and nursing staff both from the Territorial Army as well as the local PHC.
Many patients were administered with TT Vaccine and tests were also conducted to check the haemoglobin and sugar level of patients.

While speaking to Nicobar Times the doctor at the Health Camp informed that this is the second health camp that 154 INF BN TA Bihar has organised at Great Nicobar Island. He added that the first Health Camp was organised at Laxmi Nagar and many more health camps will be organised during the coming weeks and months.
The doctor also informed that apart from these health camps which are organised at different areas he also visits PHC Campbell Bay to follow up on the treatment of the beneficiaries of these health camps.
The Commanding Officer of 154 INF BN TA Bihar, Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay and the Captain of the Territorial Settlement graced the occasion and interacted with the beneficiaries.
The soldiers of the BN took very good care of the elderly patients and helped them in every way possible.
Many beneficiaries of the health camp expressed their gratitude to the Army Component of Andaman and Nicobar Command for organising the health camp in their neighbourhood. Several beneficiaries of the health camp also travelled from far-flung villages in the vehicles deployed by the Army for them.