Tarun Karthick
Campbell Bay, 26th October 2021
154 INF BN TA Bihar on 26th of October 2021 organised a Recruitment Awareness Drive & Weapons, Equipment Display at Campbell Bay as part of the celebrations of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.
The Recruitment Awareness Drive & Weapons, Equipment Display was a hit among the locals and students. Several weapons were on display at the venue of the event and the soldiers deployed at the site explained the specifications and functioning of each weapon to the visitors in great detail.
The visitors applauded the effort of the entire team of 154 INF BN TA Bihar for organising such an exhibition and Recruitment Awareness Drive.
The highlight of the entire event was the operational demonstration of the Q4i drone, everyone was enthralled when the drone took off and landed back after a small sortie of the Mini Stadium, Campbell Bay.

The students and the visitors were also allowed to peek into the functioning of the weapons used by the Indian Armed Forces. Several advanced weapons were also on display along with advanced equipment like the HHTI.
An electric All-Terrain Vehicle used by the defence forces was also on display which generated a lot of curiosity among the visitors. A short film on Territorial Army was also screened at regular intervals for the students and visitors.
Overall the event was a hit among the locals and the students. Many demanded that more such events should be organised at regular intervals at different places.
The soldiers and officers of the 154 INF BN TA Bihar guided the students on different career options for different streams after 10+2. The students were also guided on how they can join Territorial Army and Armed Forces.