Abhi Bhusan Ghosh Appeals for Initiating Issue of Bus Passes from Bambooflat Bus Terminus to Alleviate Struggles of Students and Residents

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 07 October 2023

In a bid to ease the struggles faced by students and parents residing in the Bambooflat area, a formal request has been made to the Director of the State Transport Service of Andaman and Nicobar Islands for the issuance of necessary bus passes at the Bambooflat Bus Terminus.

The appeal, brought forward by Abhi Bhusan Ghosh, State Vice President of Pradesh Youth Congress, highlights the significant difficulties faced by students and their families in obtaining bus passes for public transportation services operating from the Ferrargunj Bus Terminus.

The Ferrargunj Bus Terminus is currently the primary location for the issuance of bus passes for students residing near Ferrargunj and surrounding areas. However, this poses a substantial logistical challenge for those residing in Bambooflat and other adjacent regions.

Many students heavily depend on public transportation to commute to their schools and educational institutions in the area. Unfortunately, the distance and limited transportation options to Ferrargunj make it cumbersome for both students and parents to make the trip solely for obtaining bus passes.

In light of these challenges, Abhi Bhusan Ghosh has requested the State Transport Service to consider the possibility of issuing necessary bus passes directly at the Bambooflat Bus Terminus. Such a move would not only alleviate the inconvenience faced by students and their families but also enhance access to public transportation services.

This initiative seeks to improve the lives of students and parents in the Bambooflat area and make public transportation more accessible to them.