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Ad-hoc Employees of Forest Department Wait for Regularisation Order from DFO, Nicobar Division; BJP Leaders Intervene

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Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 16 Sep 2021

The Lt. Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands recently had accorded approval to appoint 121 Mazdoors appointed earlier on Ad-hoc basis in various divisions of the Department of Environment and Forests, Andaman and Nicobar Islands on regular basis w.e.f 21.05.2015 and also to regularise their period spent on Ad-hoc basis.

Many divisions of the Department of Environment and Forests, Andaman and Nicobar Islands immediately swung into action and through office orders regularised the mazdoors earlier appointed on Ad-hoc basis. 

The madoors appointed under Ad-hoc basis in the Nicobar Division of the  Department of Environment and Forests have not received the order for regularisation from the DFO, Nicobar Division even after a span of two months.

The Mazdoors approached the local Bharatiya Janata Party Leaders Mr. K.C Murugan, Mandal President, Campbell Bay Mandal, BJP and Mr. Venkat Rao, Ex-Up-Pramukh, Campbell Bay Panchayat Samiti and requested them to intervene.

The local BJP leaders approached the DFO, Nicobar Division a few days ago and the DFO assured them that the orders for regularisation of the Mazdoors in the Nicobar Division of the Department of Environment and Forests will be released soon. The DFO further informed that there is a shortage of staff in the office which is the reason for the delay in releasing the orders of regularisation of the mazdoors earlier recruited on Ad-hoc basis.

The leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party have thanked the DFO, Nicobar Division for his positive response on the issue and assured the mazdoors that their regularisation orders will be released soon.

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