Administration Fails to Facilitate Copra and Coconut Transportation from Campbell Bay to Chennai

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 03 August 2022

Farmers of Great Nicobar have been demanding the purchase of Copra at Minimum Support Price. The administration has failed to start the procurement of Copra at MSP from farmers of Great Nicobar even after years of correspondence, therefore the farmers demanded containers to transport copra and other agro products directly from Campbell Bay to Chennai onboard DSS Ships.

On-demand of farmers four containers were made available onboard Sindhu, which sailed for Chennai from Campbell Bay today.

Even though the containers were specifically made available onboard Sindhu on demand of the farmers of Great Nicobar, the ship staff did not allow the copra to be loaded onboard the ship. 

After persistent efforts by two traders who were ready with their cargo of Copra and Coconuts, the ship staff relented and informed the traders to book their agro products as General Cargo.

The traders informed that later the officials of the Port Management Board said that they would not let the Copra pass through the jetty gate for loading if the cargo is booked under General Cargo Category.

After hours of struggle amidst heavy rains both the traders decided to let go and Sindhu sailed without any Cargo from Campbell Bay.

The traders suffered heavy losses as they had already transported their cargo from their godowns to a site near the jetty.

Nicobar Times spoke to the General Secretary of Great Nicobar Farmers Association who informed that the Assistant Commissioner of Campbell Bay had earlier informed that containers will be made available on Sindhu for transportation of Copra. The farmers had accordingly planned transportation of Copra and two traders from Campbell Bay informed the Shipping Authorities about their requirement of two containers each. He added that the containers were deployed on the ship specifically for the transportation of Agro Products from Campbell Bay. He informed that the members of the association will meet the Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay and will seek answers from him on the failure of the Administration to facilitate Agro Cargo transportation to Chennai. 

Speaking to Nicobar Times another member of the Great Nicobar Farmers Association informed that proper arrangements were not made by the Administration for transportation of Agro Products from Great Nicobar to Chennai by Sindhu. He added that only containers were deployed but the ship staff were not instructed properly.

There is huge anger among the farmers of Great Nicobar due to the incident and many are demanding strict action against the officers of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration responsible for the mishap.