Ajoy Bairagi Demands Extension of Electoral Voter Enrolment Date for Local Body Elections

Campbell Bay, 6 Dec 2020

Shri. Ajoy Bairagi, State President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Andaman and Nicobar Islands has written a letter to the Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman, Deputy Commissioner, N & N Andaman and Deputy Commissioner, Nicobar District requesting them to extend the date for Electoral Voter Enrolment date for the upcoming Local Body Election in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 

Shri. Ajoy Bairagi while expanding on the issue has informed the authorities that due to the ongoing pandemic and the subsequent lockdown a considerable number of people especially from the Inter-Islands were left out of the enrolment process for the upcoming local body elections. He further explained that the lockdown and the unavailability of transport were the primary reasons for not being able to enrol.

Shri. Ajoy Bairagi has requested the authorities to look into the issue and to do the needful.

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