Alert Issued: Cyber Fraudsters Exploiting Deep Fake Ads on Social Media to Redirect Users to Fraudulent Trading Forums

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 01 July 2024

Andaman and Nicobar Police have issued a warning about a new wave of cyber financial fraud involving deep fake videos and images of prominent individuals. These sophisticated advertisements are being circulated on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Google, and are directing users to fraudulent WhatsApp and Telegram groups.

These groups, operated by cybercriminals, are falsely presented as legitimate trading forums, investment advisory services, or financial consultancy platforms. Once users join these groups, they are bombarded with stock market information, stock tips, and live classes, all designed to lure them into opening institutional accounts. The promise of maximum profit through guaranteed Initial Public Offering (IPO) allotments is used as bait.

The fraudsters often share links to fake trading applications, available on both Play Store and App Store, or distribute apk files directly to potential victims. To facilitate transactions, they provide Indian mule bank accounts for money deposits. Initially, small payouts are made to gain the victim’s trust. However, once a significant amount is deposited, the fraudsters cut off all communication, leaving the victims stranded and defrauded.

To protect the public from these scams, the Andaman and Nicobar Police have issued the following advisory:

1. Exercise Caution with Sponsored Ads: Be wary of sponsored advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, or Google that promote investment groups on WhatsApp or Telegram. These are often fraudulent.

2. Beware of Impersonation: Fraudsters may impersonate financial institutions, advisors, or reputable organizations. Always verify the authenticity of such claims.

3. Protect Your Financial Information: Do not share sensitive financial details, such as bank account information or login credentials, with unknown entities.

4. Stay Informed and Skeptical: Familiarize yourself with common investment scams and remain skeptical of offers that promise unrealistically high returns.

For further assistance, information, or inquiries, the public is advised to contact the Cyber Crime Police Station in Port Blair. Reach out via the Cyber Helpline at 9531856083 or visit

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