A&N Administration Releases Draft ‘Astro Tourism Policy’ for Public Feedback

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 05 September 2024

In a significant move to boost tourism and promote the unique celestial appeal of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Directorate of Information, Publicity & Tourism (IP&T) has unveiled a draft ‘Astro Tourism Policy.’ This initiative is aimed at fostering sustainable Astro Tourism activities that not only attract stargazers but also benefit local communities, all while preserving the natural environment of the Islands.

The policy seeks to capitalise on the region’s clear skies, low levels of light pollution, and natural beauty to offer visitors a truly unique experience of the cosmos. Astro Tourism, which involves activities like stargazing, night sky observation, and astrophotography, is increasingly gaining popularity among travellers seeking offbeat and eco-friendly tourism options.

The draft policy, now available for public consultation, is positioned to promote a sustainable tourism model. By leveraging the pristine night skies of the islands, the initiative hopes to draw attention to the natural wonders of the region while ensuring that local communities also benefit from the influx of tourists.

In an effort to engage stakeholders, including the general public, tourism operators, and relevant departments, the draft policy has been placed in the public domain. The administration is inviting suggestions, comments, and inputs from all interested parties. The document can be accessed on the official website of the Directorate of IP&T at www.andamantourism.gov.in.

Submissions of feedback are open for a 30-day period, starting from September 5, 2024, and will continue until October 5, 2024. The Directorate of IP&T encourages all stakeholders to contribute their insights to help shape a policy that maximises the benefits of Astro Tourism for both visitors and the local population, while safeguarding the islands’ fragile environment.

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