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Andaman and Nicobar Police Issues Advisory Against Telegram Hijacking

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 05 January 2024

Instant Messaging (IM) applications have surged in popularity as a primary means of communication, a wave of cyber fraud targeting users has prompted Andaman and Nicobar Police to issue a crucial advisory. Fraudsters, exploiting the widespread use of IM apps, have developed methods to hijack users’ accounts, leading to cyber offences through impersonation.

In response to this growing threat, the Andaman and Nicobar Police have released a set of guidelines aimed at safeguarding individuals against Telegram hijacking—the latest avenue for cybercriminals. The advisory outlines essential safety measures to prevent account breaches and misuse.

Here are the key points highlighted in the advisory:

1. Maintain Privacy: Make your phone number private to enhance account security.

2. Protect Verification Codes: Under no circumstances should verification codes be shared with anyone, regardless of familiarity.

3. Exercise Caution: Be vigilant about unusual requests received via Telegram or any other messaging platforms.

4. Disable Notification Previews: Prevent unauthorised access by turning off SMS notification previews, as exposure to verification codes can lead to account hijacking.

5. Enable Two-Step Verification: Enhance account protection by activating “Two-Step Verification” for your Telegram account.

6. Logout on Completion: Log out of Telegram on web/desktop platforms after usage to minimise vulnerability.

7. Immediate Action on Hijacking: If your Telegram account is compromised, inform family and friends, cautioning them against responding to any messages purportedly from you. Moreover, advise others to safeguard their verification codes and sensitive information.

8. Report and Seek Assistance: Report stolen accounts to Telegram through their support portal (

The Andaman and Nicobar Police emphasise the importance of promptly seeking assistance or guidance in case of suspicion or an actual security breach. They urge individuals to reach out to the Cyber Cell in Port Blair through the Cyber Helpline (No.1930 or 9531856083) or visit for any inquiries, assistance, or information.

The advisory serves as a proactive measure against the rising instances of Telegram hijacking and aims to empower users with the knowledge necessary to protect themselves against cyber threats.

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