ANTCC President Calls for Immediate Appointment of Neurosurgeon and Urologist at GB Pant Hospital

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 26 June 2024

Andaman Nicobar Territorial Congress Committee (ANTCC) President, Mr. Rangalal Halder, has formally addressed a letter to the Health Secretary of the A & N Administration, highlighting the urgent need for the appointment of a neurosurgeon and a urologist at GB Pant Hospital.

In his letter, Mr. Halder emphasized the significant challenges faced by patients in accessing specialized medical care in the fields of neurosurgery and urology. He pointed out that the lack of these specialised doctors forces many patients to seek treatment on the mainland, which incurs prohibitively high medical costs. This situation places an enormous financial burden on families who are often unable to afford the travel and treatment expenses.

Mr. Halder’s appeal underscores the pressing need to improve healthcare services at GB Pant Hospital. He asserted that appointing these specialists would not only alleviate the financial strain on families but also enhance the quality of healthcare available to the people of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

By addressing this critical healthcare gap, the administration can ensure that residents receive timely and adequate medical care without the added stress of financial hardship and long-distance travel.

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