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APWD Karamchari Sangh Expressed Gratitude to Officers of Administration for Approving Release of Adhoc Bonus to 2773 DRMs

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Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 24 January 2023

APWD Karamchari Sangh has expressed gratitude to the Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Administration and Chief Engineer, Andaman Public Works Department for approving release of Adhoc Bonus to 2773 DRMs who have been granted 1/30th Pay.

APWD Karamchari Sangh has also thanked ANRKM and BMS, A & N Islands for guiding them in achieving the long pending demand. 

On 16th January 2023, APWD Karamchari Sangh organised a GATE Protest to press for their demand of releasing the Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Adhoc Bonus) to DRMs working under the establishments of APWD.

On 18th January 2023, A & N Administration approved releasing the Adhoc Bonus to all DRMs who have been granted 1/30 Pay.

APWD Karamchari Sangh has requested the Chief Secretary to release the Adhoc Bonus to all DRMs working under the establishments of APWD irrespective of whether they have been granted 1/30th Pay or not. APWD Karamchari Sangh has demanded that all DRMs who are employed in establishments following a Six Working Days per Week Schedule and have worked for at least 240 Days in a year, for three years or more, should get the Adhoc Bonus. They further informed that DRMs employed in establishments following a Five Working Days per Week Schedule and have worked for at least 206 days in a year, for three years or more, should also be paid the Adhoc Bonus. 

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