“Bharat Internet Utsav” Celebrates the Transformative Power of the Internet Across India

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 19 August 2023

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has launched the “Bharat Internet Utsav” media campaign, a jubilation of the profound impact the internet has had on the lives of people across India. This initiative aims to spotlight the stories of individuals whose lives have been revolutionised by the internet, highlighting the pivotal role of connectivity in driving inclusive socio-economic development.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration, in collaboration with the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, has been diligently striving to extend the reach of the internet to even the remotest corners of the Union Territory. The internet has emerged as an indispensable tool for knowledge-sharing, economic empowerment, and social connectivity, thus expediting progress on a national scale.

The “Bharat Internet Utsav” cordially invites citizens from all walks of life to contribute their personal anecdotes of how the internet has catalyzed positive change. Whether it’s the story of a farmer utilising online resources to enhance crop yield, a student accessing educational content beyond classroom boundaries, or an entrepreneur expanding their business through digital platforms, every narrative underscores the transformative potential of the internet.

How to Participate:

Individuals are encouraged to share their stories through videos lasting up to two minutes. These videos can be posted on various social media platforms using the hashtag #BharatInternetUtsav. Furthermore, participants can submit their entries on the MYGOV platform (https://innovateindia.mygov.in/bharat-internet-utsav/) between July 7, 2023, and August 21, 2023. By sharing their experiences, participants not only contribute to a vibrant tapestry of human stories but also stand a chance to win cash prizes of up to Rs 15,000.

For more information and to participate in the Bharat Internet Utsav, please visit https://innovateindia.mygov.in/bharat-internet-utsav/.

This campaign serves as a testament to the far-reaching influence of the internet, which has become an integral part of daily life for billions of Indians, enabling progress, fostering innovation, and connecting people like never before. The “Bharat Internet Utsav” promises to showcase the incredible stories of change and empowerment that have emerged thanks to this digital revolution.