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BJP Leader Vishal Jolly Urges Compensation Following Devastating Fire at Billiground Market

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 30 April 2024

In the early hours of today, a catastrophic fire ravaged the Billiground market in North & Middle Andaman, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Mr. Vishal Jolly, National Executive Member of the BJP and Former State President of BJP-ANI, swiftly responded to the crisis by calling for urgent compensation measures to aid the affected merchants.

At approximately 1:00 AM, reports began to emerge of a ferocious blaze engulfing the bustling Billiground Bazaar area, consuming shops, properties, and valuable assets in its path. Preliminary assessments indicate that more than 14 shops were reduced to ashes, resulting in substantial financial losses for the shop owners.

In a letter addressed to the Hon’ble Lt. Governor of the A & N Islands, Mr. Jolly meticulously outlined the extensive damages incurred and stressed the pressing need for immediate rehabilitation and compensation for the affected individuals. He underscored the gravity of the situation, emphasising the plight of the merchants who have lost their livelihoods overnight.

Mr. Jolly’s appeal for swift action included a proposal for financial assistance in the form of compensation and loans, devoid of the requirement for collateral securities. This, he argued, would facilitate the speedy recovery and rebuilding of the shops and establishments that had been decimated by the fire.

Highlighting the urgency of the matter, Mr. Jolly urged the Hon’ble Lt. Governor to mobilise immediate and concerted efforts to address the crisis and extend essential support to the affected community. His impassioned plea resonates with the broader call for solidarity and assistance in the face of adversity, as the community grapples with the aftermath of this tragic incident.

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