BJP State President Ajoy Bairagi Discusses Public Issues with DGP Devesh Chandra Shrivastava

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 04 July 2024

Mr. Ajoy Bairagi, State President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, along with State Vice President, Mr. M. Vinod and State Secretary, Dr. R. Dev Das, met with Director General of Police (DGP), Mr. Devesh Chandra Shrivastava to address a range of public concerns.

During the meeting at the DGP’s office, the delegation highlighted several key issues affecting the community. Chief among these were the persistent traffic congestion during peak hours, the need for a children’s traffic park in Diglipur, and the organisation of various sports activities in and around Port Blair. These initiatives aim to engage the youth in productive activities during the evenings and enhance the experience of visiting tourists.

Additionally, the delegation discussed the long-pending matter concerning the Home Guards.

DGP Shrivastava responded positively to the delegation’s concerns and assured them that most issues would be resolved in a timely manner. The BJP delegation expressed their gratitude for the DGP’s patient listening and constructive response.