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Campbell Bay Residents Disappointed Due to Non-Availability of Ship

Port Blair, Nov 10 2020 

The residents of Campbell Bay, Great Nicobar who are stuck in South Andaman District are disappointed because of the non-availability of ship before Diwali for Port Blair – Nancowry – Campbell Bay Sector.

Several residents of Great Nicobar who had visited Port Blair and mainland temporarily for some urgent works and now intends to travel back to their hometown are stuck in Port Blair now, because of non-availability of ship. These residents were hoping to reach back to their homes before Diwali, to celebrate the festival in their homes with their loved ones. Further several residents of the Great Nicobar live and work in Port Blair and visit their homes every year during the times of festival and even these residents are not able to visit their homes.

The next ship to Campbell Bay is reportedly scheduled on 18th of November 2020 which is four days after Diwali. The residents were hoping that a ship would be scheduled for them on 10th or 11th of November so that they can reach their homes before Diwali and celebrate the festival with their loved ones.

Further several Govt. Servants and other private employees are also waiting at Campbell Bay to travel to Port Blair and further beyond to their homes to celebrate the festivals with their loved ones in their hometowns, but the non-availability of the ships has made a dent in their plans.

Andaman and Nicobar Administration should schedule a sailing for Campbell Bay as soon as possible so that these residents can visit their homes and celebrate the festival with their loved ones.

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