Chief Secretary Visited School, Anganwadi Centre, Sub-Centre, Veterinary Farm, Church, ITI & Tsunami Memorial at Car Nicobar; CS to Visit Teressa and Chowra Today

Mohammed Saheed

Mr. Keshav Chandra, IAS, Chief Secretary, Andaman and Nicobar Administration is on a Five Day Visit to Andaman and Nicobar Islands. On 6th February 2023, Chief Secretary landed at Car Nicobar and visited BJR Hospital.

Thereafter, the Chief Secretary visited Self Help Group Market set up at Edward Kutchet Park. He praised the SHG members for their wonderful display of varied handicraft items and urged the organisers to organise the event in a broader scale.

Later, the Chief Secretary visited Kinyuka Primary School and interacted with the students. While appreciating the upkeep of the School, he urged the Education Officials to include more interesting learning materials for the benefit of the students. The Chief Secretary visited Anganwadi Centre and appreciated the CDPO, Car Nicobar, Ms. Sunita Kumari and other staff of the Centre for organising ‘Beti Janma Utsav’ to encourage birth of girl child. The Chief Secretary also distributed baby kits to lactating mothers. He also appreciated the millet recipes included in the diet by the Child Development Project Office as part of International Year of Millet. 

The Chief Secretary also emphasised the need for promoting kitchen gardens and requested the Tribal Council to take the initiative by encouraging community participation.

The Chief Secretary also visited Sub Centre of Health Department and interacted with the staff. He also visited Tsunami Memorial and offered floral tributes and planted a sapling. Thereafter, the Chief Secretary visited Round Hut at Chukchuka and held meeting with the general public and Tribal Council, during which, various issues were raised by the Tribal Council and general public. He directed all Departments to resolve public grievances in a time-bound manner and also advised the Department Officials to adopt a proactive and committed approach in resolving public grievances. 

The Chief Secretary also announced reintroduction of procurement of copra under Minimum Support Price scheme through NAFED. He also directed the Officials of Electricity Department to ensure seamless power supply while APWD officials were directed to ensure better road connectivity. 

In the afternoon, the Chief Secretary visited Arong Veterinary Farm and advised the officials to reach out to the people and provide poultry chicks, piglets and goats to the farmers and to extensively promoting goatery, piggery and poultry activities. The Chief Secretary also visited Skill Development Centre (ITI), Arong, Car Nicobar and directed that courses which generate potential employment locally should be introduced for the benefit of the students. 

The Chief Secretary also visited Mus Church wearing the traditional costumes of the Nicobarese Tribe and interacted with the Bishop and also addressed a large gathering. He also visited the Light House. 

On 7th February 2023, the Chief Secretary will visit Malacca and proceed to Teressa. At Teressa, he will hold meeting with Tribal Representatives and also visit PHC, AWC, Power House etc. Thereafter, he will depart for Chowra Island.