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Complete Mobile Network Blackout in Katchal Troubles Residents

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 17 July 2024

The residents of Katchal are facing severe communication difficulties due to a complete mobile network blackout. The lone service provider, BSNL, experienced a technical failure that has left the island without mobile services for nearly 36 hours, with no resolution in sight.

Katchal, has not been connected through the CANI Submarine Cable network. As a result, its mobile network has historically been unreliable, leading to frequent communication blackouts.

Despite significant improvements in BSNL services across other islands, Katchal continues to suffer from inconsistent mobile connectivity. 

Mr. Lawrence, a Katchal resident currently in Port Blair, reported to the Nicobar Times that his attempts to reach senior BSNL officials for assistance were met with unsatisfactory responses. He highlighted the pressing issues faced by Katchal residents, who are now completely cut off from the outside world. The only available mode of communication is to travel to specific areas with weak reception from the nearby Kamorta Island.

This ongoing situation underscores the urgent need for a robust and reliable communication infrastructure for Katchal.

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