Concerns Raised Over Conditions Aboard M.V. Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 28 June 2023

The President of the Andaman and Nicobar Territorial Congress Committee (ANTCC), Mr. Rangalal Halder, has voiced serious concerns regarding the deteriorating conditions aboard the vessel M.V. Campbell Bay, a vital link in the Port Blair to Little Andaman route.

Expressing his apprehensions, Mr. Halder highlighted several issues that have plagued the passenger experience on M.V. Campbell Bay.

One of the primary concerns cited was the extended travel time from Port Blair to Little Andaman. Mr. Halder revealed that the vessel currently takes approximately 11 hours to complete this journey, a duration that significantly exceeds the ideal travel time of 6 to 7 hours.

Additionally, Mr. Halder raised alarms about the inadequate functioning of onboard fans, contributing to an uncomfortable and stifling environment for passengers. This issue was further exacerbated by the reported lack of functional air conditioning, further affecting the comfort levels of passengers.

Furthermore, the sanitation conditions aboard the M.V. Campbell Bay were brought into question, with Mr. Halder describing the onboard toilets as unhygienic and dirty.

Mr. Halder has urgently called upon the relevant authorities to address these pressing concerns and make immediate improvements to ensure the comfort and safety of passengers on the M.V. Campbell Bay. He emphasised the significance of resolving these issues promptly to enhance the overall passenger experience and maintain the vessel’s reliability.