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Crab Dealers Incurring Huge Losses at Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 19 May 2021

Crab Dealers of Campbell Bay are facing a lot of issues these days because of non-availability of ships to transport their catch. Crabs are transported alive from Campbell Bay to Port Blair.

According to these Crab Dealers more than 250 Kgs of crabs are now available in stock at Campbell Bay and they are waiting for ship to transport it to Port Blair. Crabs can only be transported through ships which can reach from Campbell Bay to Port Blair within two days, because the crabs often die while transportation, if the ship takes more than two days to reach its destination.

Crab Dealers do not transport crabs in cargo ships from Campbell Bay to Port Blair because the cargo ships generally takes a lot of time to reach its destination.

These Crab Dealers have now grounded their boats and are no longer employing fishermen to catch crabs for them. Several of their employees are also suffering because they are not able to earn anything from days.

Further these crabs cannot be kept for longer periods at Campbell Bay because if they die they loose all its value. 

Nicobar Times spoke to one of the Crab Dealers of Campbell Bay and he informed us that he is loosing several crabs everyday and has incurred huge losses.

The current value of the 250 Kgs of crabs available with the Crab Dealers of Campbell Bay is more than Rs. 2,00000/-. 

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