Tarun Karthick
Campbell Bay, 22 November 2021
Great Nicobar Farmers Association had called for Campbell Bay Bandh on 22nd November and the farmers of Great Nicobar had blocked Zero Point Junction of Campbell Bay today to press for their demand of procurement of copra at Minimum Support Price.
The Chakka Jam was scheduled only for 22nd November 2021 between 9 Am to 5 Pm and the farmers had decided beforehand not to continue with Chakka Jam any further. The farmers have informed Nicobar Times that they will continue with their dharna near the Fish Market at Main Bazaar, Campbell Bay.
The Chakka Jam by Great Nicobar Farmers Association was very peaceful and the farmers allowed the emergency vehicles as well as vehicles of defence services to pass through their blockade.
Great Nicobar Farmers Association have written 13 letters to various authorities requesting them to procure copra from the farmers of Great Nicobar at Minimum Support Price but their demand was ignored for years.
The farmers of Great Nicobar were very patient with their demand and only resorted to chakka jam and indefinite protests after the authorities failed to solve their issue for years altogether.

Protesting farmers while speaking with Nicobar Times informed that they will stage dharna day and night until and unless the administration arranges to purchase copra on MSP from them. The farmers have made it clear that nothing short of starting the procurement of Copra from them on MSP will satisfy them this time.
Leaders of both the Bharatiya Janata Party and Indian National Congress visited the protest site and pledged their full support to the protesting farmers.
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, State Vice President, BJP; Mr. E.S Rajesh, District President, BJP, Nicobar District; Mr. K C Murugan, Mandal President, BJP, Campbell Bay and other leaders of BJP met the farmers and promised to take up their issue with the Administration.
Mr. Navaneethan, District President, INC, Nicobar District; Mr. Gagan Deep Singh Gerewal, Block President, INC, Campbell Bay; Mr. Rahul Singh, District President, Indian Youth Congress, Nicobar District; Mr. Sabestin, Active Worker, INC, Campbell Bay and other leaders of the Indian National Congress met the protesting farmers and pledged their support.
The General Secretary of Great Nicobar Farmers Association also spoke to the Deputy Commissioner, Nicobar District who reportedly informed the farmers that their issues will be sorted out soon.
Mr. Rajan Singh, General Secretary, Great Nicobar Farmers Association also informed Nicobar Times that they are prepared for a long battle and will only call off the dharna when the Administration assures them of starting the procurement of copra immediately from the farmers of Great Nicobar.