Department of AH&VS Hosts Goatery Management Training Program in New Bimblitan

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 28 November 2023

On November 25, 2023, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services conducted an extensive training program centered on ‘Goatery Management’ in New Bimblitan under the UT-ATMA Scheme. This informative event garnered active participation from rural women, farmers, and key officials from the Agriculture Department and Animal Husbandry staff.

The primary focus of the program was to educate attendees on the nuances of goat rearing, emphasising its potential as a lucrative livelihood option. A significant turnout of 35 dedicated goat farmers further underlined the importance and interest in this sector.

One of the highlights of the training was the practical aspect of the session, where a total of 55 goats received comprehensive treatment. This included a range of essential medications such as mineral mixtures, vitamins, dewormers, feed additives, and poultry medicines, ensuring the health and well-being of the animals.

Moreover, farmers were given valuable guidance on leveraging the benefits offered by the Kisan Credit Card, emphasising the financial aspect of goat farming and its accessibility to resources for sustainable growth.

The efforts of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services in orchestrating this program reflect a concerted push towards empowering local communities through education and practical training in livestock management.