Department of Fisheries Invites Applications for Subsidy Under ‘Blue Revolution’ for Motorisation of Traditional Fishing Crafts

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 24 June 2024

Department of Fisheries, Andaman & Nicobar Administration, has announced the implementation of the ‘Motorisation of Traditional Craft’ component under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Blue Revolution’. This initiative aims to provide subsidies for the purchase of Outboard/Inboard Marine Engines, Fishing Gear, and Propellers.

The subsidy pattern under this program varies based on the applicant’s category:

General Category: A subsidy of 40% of the unit cost, with a maximum limit of ₹48,000 per engine, fishing gear, and propeller for units costing up to ₹1.20 lakh.

ST/SC Women Category: A subsidy of 60% of the unit cost, with a maximum limit of ₹72,000 per engine, fishing gear, and propeller for units costing up to ₹1.20 lakh.

To be eligible for this subsidy, applicants must meet the following criteria:

– Must be a bonafide fisherman of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands with a registered non-motorised or motorised fishing craft and a valid fishing license for at least two continuous years, including the current year. (COVID-19 pandemic relaxations apply).

– The engine to be purchased should not exceed 30 Horse Power (HP).

– The subsidy for engine procurement is limited to engines up to 10 HP.

– Fishermen with motorised fishing crafts and engines older than five years that are unserviceable are eligible for engine replacement. Such applicants must provide a certificate from an authorised marine engineer stating the engine is beyond economical repair.

– The allowable gear types include gill nets with a mesh size of not less than 25 mm (knot to knot diagonally), hook and line, shore seine/drag net with a mesh size of not less than 25 mm, and fish traps.

– Applicants should not have received assistance for the purchase of an engine, fishing gear, or propeller from the Department of Fisheries or any other government department in the last five years.

Eligible fishermen interested in availing of this subsidy can obtain application forms and detailed terms and conditions from the Directorate of Fisheries, Fisheries Zonal Offices, or Fisheries Sub Stations. Completed applications must be submitted to the nearest Fisheries Zonal Office or Sub-Station by July 31, 2024.

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