Diwali Celebrated in Isles Befittingly

Port Blair, Nov 14 2020

Andaman and Nicobar Islands with the rest of India and the world celebrated Diwali on 14th November 2020. This year’s Diwali was different for the world as we are in midst of a world wide pandemic, which has cost us much in terms of human lives and economy. This Diwali in midst of a world wide pandemic was also celebrated befittingly by the residents of the Islands. The Islanders were seen in a festive mood and flocking the nearby markets for their Diwali shopping.

The markets did not see overcrowding like the yesteryears but normal than usual activities were witnessed in the prime markets of the Islands. The shopkeepers and the businessmen however din’t seem to be happy because this year during the Diwali Season, their business dipped almost to half when compared to the last year. 

The dip in the business is partly due to the the fact the the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown which had to be imposed to control the spread of the disease affected the economy of the Islands along with the whole world. Many people working in the private firms lost their jobs, which has severely affected the purchasing power of their families. People today are much more cautious on what they spend their money on because they are unsure of what is going to happen and when.

The dip in sales might also be the result of the residents of the Islands taking precaution to save themselves and their families by not venturing out and exposing themselves in fear of contracting the virus. In any case it is a happy moment for both the Govt. and the public as overcrowding could have led to a super spread of the virus, which we have almost prevented to a large extent by not exposing ourselves too much. 

Firecracker sales were also reported to be less as compared to the yesteryears. Port Blair was much more quieter and the air was much more cleaner this year in comparison to the previous Diwali’s. 

People preferred to prepare sweet dishes at their houses instead of purchasing it off the shelves of their favourite eatery, social gatherings were avoided and quality family time was spent with near and dear ones. COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a new way of life and until a cure is found, we will have to live with the virus by following all precautionary measures as suggested from time to time.

It’s important for everyone to know the two golden rules as explained by our Prime Minister, cover your faces at all times when you are in public, maintain social distancing of atleast 6 feet from one another. These two simple golden rules alone can reduce the spread of the virus and take us one step towards a more healthier world. 

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