DLSA Organises Constitution Day Function at District & Sessions Court Premises

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 27th November 2022

The District Legal Services Authority, Andaman & Nicobar Islands organised a programme to celebrate ‘Constitution Day’ in the premises of District & Sessions Court at Port Blair on 26th November 2022, to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India on 26th November 1949, based on which the Constitution was enacted from 26th January 1950.

The Judicial Officers, Public Prosecutors, Advocates of the local Bar Association and court staff took part in the programme. The Preamble of the Constitution was read in a chorus during the function. Ms. Krishnakoli Mukherjee, Ld. Judicial Magistrate First Class-I, Port Blair hosted the programme and the programme concluded with the National Anthem.

The entire programme was organised under the banner of DLSA, A & N Islands at the initiative of the Chairman & Secretary of DLSA, A & N Islands. Mr. Subash Kumar Kar, Ld. District & Sessions Judge, Mr. Mohammed Salim, Ld. Sr. Public Prosecutor and Mr. Purohit Lal, Ld. Advocate & Vice President of the local Bar Association also spoke on the occasion.